This business assists the company in postponing tariff payment, relieving fund wasting, in order to realize an effective use of company’s fund. It helps the company to hoard manufacturing raw materials at low price in advance based on varying pattern of commodity price in international market, so that the company could successfully avoid the business risk of sharply rising operational cost due to price rising. It helps to optimize company’s supply chain. The establishment of bonded storage is just like moving the foreign storage to doorway of the company, where the manufacturing raw materials can be obtained at any time when necessary, fast in fast out, greatly shortening production and management period of company products, reducing manufacturing cost, enhancing the competitive ability of company products among all products of the same kind. It also helps the company to simplify import customs clearance procedure. Unless the bonded cargo will no longer export, otherwise tax payment and refund procedure as well as license and official approval of related commodity could be exempted.
This bonded business is suitable for the cargo temporally without domestic buyer. Owner of the cargo can purchase raw materials at a low price according to necessity and store in the bonded storage.
The owner can deposit the cargo in public bonded storage when documents are incomplete and customs clearance procedure is not ready.
The owner can deposit the raw material procured in the bonded storage in one time and deliver them out when necessary in order to relive the burden of tariff.
One day tour in tariff-free area
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